Heating & Lighting Systems in Floor Production Poultry Houses
Heating systems
Our heating systems – manufactured in Holland - are designed for heating small birds (broilers/pullets) who normally grow in floorlevel based housing. Infrared heating brings direct heat and avoids unnecessary wasting of gas. By creating certain heat zones we can give birds a comfortable climate where they can choose themselves if they want to be near the heat or away from it.
Infrared Gas Brooders for broiler houses & floorlevel rearing houses
From the start Gasolec aimed for heating with Infrared Radiant Gas Heaters that produce a high ratio of infrared radiation, making them articifical suns. These Heaters offer the users many advantages compared to alternative heating systems:
- Shorter preheating before the animals arrive
- Lower investement costs
- Creates comfort zones
- No air flow that can dry out the animals
- Allows heating of areas with poor insulation and/or no walls
- The infrared radiation is aimed at the floor and the animals on the floor
- This leads to a high efficiency --> lower CO₂ output
We often recommend the usage of S8 (3.5kW), M5 (3.0kW), M8 (5.0kW) and G12 (12kW) brooders when customers want to heat their floorlevel based poultry farm. The specific model often depends on the customers wishes, type of poultry farm and their local gas type & pressure options and availabilities.
'Infared heating will always be closest to mother nature'
Even in todays market, with upcomming indirect combustion heaters & hot water floor heating, animals will always feel most comfortable with infrared radiation. This heat is distributed without air movement by heaters that create comfort zones.
Infared brooders for chickens, turkeys, ducks, geeses and pheasants
Due to our diverse range of infrared heaters with different capacities and gas type options, we can supply the needs of farmers from all types of poultry animals.
Do you have more questions about our products, please contact us or one of our dealers nearby your location.
Lighting systems
With our LED lighting systems with different light spectrums, we offer solutions for all phases in the poultry production (pullets / layers / parent stock). With floor level production (often broilers) birds need a certain light intensity and light uniformity to grow on a healthy basis. The right dimmer is important for safety features and to avoid stress when changing the lighting output.
E27 LED Bulbs for broiler houses, floorlevel rearing, parent stock, turkey etc.
We often recommend using E27 LED bulbs when customers want lighting systems installed in their broiler house. Some advantages of these LED bulbs are:
- Relatively cheap compared to other lighting systems;
- High Lumen per Watt ratio (up to +120 Lm/W);
- Easy to install, farmers can do it themselves;
- IP65 waterproof;
- 2 to 100% dimmable without flickering;
- Offers a wide distribution of light;
- Can often be used with current light fixtures.
T-series LED Tubes for low cealing broiler houses
Our new T-series LED Tubes are designed with a focus on sustainibility, efficiency and equel light distribution. Some other nice perks are
installatie hoogte is 3 centimeter, dus perfect voor laag plafond.
Special white 9 Watt is de main priority.