feb 5 2016
Blue Light keeps pigs calmer and flies away
The German Magazin PROFI published an article in September 2015 from Profi Editor Mr. Martin Zäh on the effect of Blue Light in Pig Houses.
The author followed the effect of blue light in pig houses for over one year. The idea behind using the blue light in this pig house was to give the pigs some light as part of the pig welfare program that these animals should have some orientation light 24 hours a day especially in pig rooms without daylight.
The author mentioned that after installing the lamps one couldn’t help to notice that the pigs became calmer, showed less signs of nervousness. The test didn’t give any conclusive results on an any improvement of the performance of the animals, if anything the slaughtering results showed signs of improvement.
The pig farmer in this case couldn’t help noticing important energy savings because of the use of these 11W Orionlux lamps – compared to fluorescent tubes – and, even more importantly, a significant reduction in the number of flies!